12 июн. 2013 г.

E3: We log some seat time with DriveClub (video)

E3: We log some seat time with DriveClub (video)

The gaming world is abuzz with early love for the Playstation 4, if the water-cooler talk around the 2013 E3 conference are anything to go by. Much of this has to do with the vast potential of the new Sony hardware, though the announced price of $399 caught a lot of folks off guard in a nice way, and lots of potential Xbox One customers have been turned off by that system's always-on Internet connection and its lack of support for used games. If we look simply at the here and now of driving games, however, with no Gran Turismo 6 announced yet for PS3, the new system will rely heavily on DriveClub as it's opening salvo for racing gamers.
E3: We log some seat time with DriveClub (video)

Autoblog , E3: We log some seat time with DriveClub (video), E3: We log some seat time with DriveClub (video)

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