8 июл. 2011 г.

Turn Your iPhone Into a DSLR

Turn Your iPhone Into a DSLR

I read a recent story over on SlashGear that iPhone is the most-used camera for pictures posted on Flickr right now.  After all, many people say that best camera is the one you have with you, and most people have a phone with them.  I saw an item for sale on Photojojo that will allow you to use your collection of Canon or Nikon lenses with your “best” camera.  However, unless you tend to always carry your expensive lenses with you, I'm not sure the iPhone SLR Mount is going to be anything more than a gimmick.  The system starts with an aluminum case with UV filter that's going to give the back of your phone a bug-eyed look.

The Gadgeteer

See also:
maximum, Turn Your iPhone Into a DSLR

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