25 июл. 2011 г.

FDA-Approved Viberect Helps Men with Erectile Dysfunction

FDA-Approved Viberect Helps Men with Erectile Dysfunction

Viagra and Cialis are the drugs of choice for men who want to remove the “dys” in erectile dysfunction, but those who have tried it were at risk of a variety of side effects such as headache, flushing, back pains, nasal congestion, impaired vision, and even heart attack. The FDA has recently approved a device that serves as a risk-reduced alternative. The Viberect, manufactured by US-based “urological solutions” company Reflexonic, not only claims to help men with erectile dysfunction but also patients with spinal cord injuries who never get their penises function.

Gadget.com, FDA-Approved Viberect Helps Men with Erectile Dysfunction

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