12 июл. 2011 г.

iOS 5 beta 3 still can be jailbroken with RedSn0W

iOS 5 beta 3 still can be jailbroken with RedSn0W

Good news for jailbreakers who happen to have a legit (or not) developer account and want to jailbreak the latest iOS 5 beta 3 firmware released earlier today. According to a tweet from MuscleNerd, you can use RedSn0w to jailbreak iOS 5 beta 3. The Dev Team updated RedSn0w to version 0.9.8 beta 2. It is now safe to use RedSn0w to jailbreak iOS 5 beta 3.
In order to jailbreak your iDevice running iOS 5 beta 3, you will need to download the latest version of RedSn0w which was released about a month ago.

2DayBlog.com, iOS 5 beta 3 still can be jailbroken with RedSn0W

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