21 мар. 2012 г.

Surprise! Study finds internet worth a lot of money, is responsible for 4.7 percent of US economy

Surprise! Study finds internet worth a lot of money, is responsible for 4.7 percent of US economy

Ever wondered how much the interwebs contribute to the Uncle Sam's bottom line. Thanks to the Boston Consulting Group, now you don't have to. It's estimated the net contributes a cool $684 billion is to the US gross domestic product. That's roughly 4.7 percent of US GDP, the same tranche as its effect on Japan's economy, but less than the 5.5, 7.3 and 8.3 percent clocked in by China, South Korea and the United Kingdom, respectively.


See also:
gadgeter, Surprise! Study finds internet worth a lot of money, is responsible for 4.7 percent of US economy

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