28 мая 2013 г.

Read and write flashdrive for your iPad and other iOS devices

Read and write flashdrive for your iPad and other iOS devices

Apple's Camera Connection Kit will let you transfer photos to your iPad, but it doesn't allow you to copy files off the iPad.  It handles several image and video file formats, but nothing else.  With The Only Read and Write iPad Flash Drive from Hammacher Schlemmer, you can, as you might guess, both read and write files between the drive and your iPad.  It handles 35 file formats, including Microsoft Word and Excel files, PDFs, JPGs, MP4, and MP3.  It holds 16GB of files that you can transfer to/from the iOS device, or you can just access them directly from the drive without copying them over.

The Gadgeteer , Read and write flashdrive for your iPad and other iOS devices, Read and write flashdrive for your iPad and other iOS devices

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