9 янв. 2013 г.

Amplifiear Passive iPad Sound Amplifier

Amplifiear Passive iPad Sound Amplifier

Sometimes, a device need not be created out of the most latest in electronic gadgetry in order to capture a consumer's attention. There are instances where a simple gizmo can make a lot of sense and make people see its worth, all by just providing a simple yet important function. Such is the case with this Amplifiear Passive iPad Sound Amplifier. The unique Amplifiear is a simple device that allows iPad users to increase the level of audio that they can hear from the built-in tablet speaker. When attached into the iPad, the Amplifiear makes use of passive amplification by simply directing the sound output into the direction of the user.

Gadget.com , Amplifiear Passive iPad Sound Amplifier

See also:
technologypulse, Amplifiear Passive iPad Sound Amplifier

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