2 апр. 2013 г.

HTC One Available On AT&T April 19 Starting At $199.99 For 32GB

HTC One Available On AT&T April 19 Starting At $199.99 For 32GB

It looks as though we jumped the gun a bit yesterday as sources close to Engadget allegedly leaked out information regarding the pricing and availability of HTC One on AT&T. Today, AT&T decided to put those rumors to rest as they have just announced the official pricing and availability for the HTC One on its network. Starting on April 19, AT&T plans to make the HTC One available to its customers for $199.99 with a two year contract for the 32GB variant. The AT&T exclusive HTC One 64GB variant will also be made available on the same day, but will cost $299.99 with a two-year contract.

Ubergizmo , HTC One Available On AT&T April 19 Starting At $199.99 For 32GB

See also:
maximum, HTC One Available On AT&T April 19 Starting At $199.99 For 32GB

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