Sporting the latest technology from both Qualcomm and Samsung, the Samsung Galaxy S4 with the Exynos 5 Octa-core chipset and the Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 chipset are certainly performing very well as far as their AnTuTu benchmark scores are concerned, but it looks like hot on their heels is a mysterious device from Fujitsu, the FJDEV001. At this point in time not much is known about this mysterious handset, although some are speculating that it could very well sport the Snapdragon 600 chipset due to its score of 25,458, a score which is sitting around the same numbers as the Qualcomm-based Galaxy S4.
Ubergizmo , Mysterious Fujitsu FJDEV001 Devices Appears On AnTuTu Benchmarks With Impressive Scores, Mysterious Fujitsu FJDEV001 Devices Appears On AnTuTu Benchmarks With Impressive Scores
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