Unitcom has dropped another high-end notebook into the market, the Lesance BTO Di CL6X1-QR. The system sports a 15.6-inch 1920 x 1080 Full HD display, a 2.40GHz Intel Core i7-3630QM processor, an Intel HM77 Express Chipset, a GeForce GTX 670MX 3GB graphics card, a 16GB DDR3 RAM, a 1TB hard drive, a 128GB SSD, a DVD Super Multi Drive, WiFi, Bluetooth and runs on Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (SP1) OS. The Lesance BTO Di CL6X1-QR sells for 139,980 Yen (about $1,496).
TechFresh , Unitcom Lesance BTO Di CL6X1-QR High-End Notebook, Unitcom Lesance BTO Di CL6X1-QR High-End Notebook
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