9 февр. 2013 г.

Buffalo Waterproof iPhone 5 Case

Buffalo Waterproof iPhone 5 Case

An iPhone 5 is considered by many as the gadget to have. There is just that certain swagger one may have when bringing along an iPhone 5 that many people seem to yearn for. But just don't try bringing it to the beach without ample protection from the water. You can do so by having this Buffalo Waterproof iPhone 5 case around.
The Buffalo Waterproof iPhone 5 case is a no-nonsense protective casing that can help keep your valuable iPhone 5 dry even on your next trip down the beach or the pool. It is capable of protecting your iPhone from water evenat a 5-meter depth. It can withstand water pressure when submerged for up to 30 minutes.

Gadget.com , Buffalo Waterproof iPhone 5 Case, Buffalo Waterproof iPhone 5 Case

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