Sony is set to drop another mobile notebook into the market. Called the VAIO SVS15129CJB, the system will feature a 15.5-inch 1920 x 1080 Full HD display, a 2.20GHz Intel Core i7-3632QM processor, an Intel HM77 Express Chipset, a GeForce GT 640M graphics card, a 4GB DDR3 RAM, a 750GB hard drive, a BDXL drive and run on Windows 7 Professional OS. The VAIO SVS15129CJB will start shipping from October 26th for around 160,000 Yen (about $2,044).
TechFresh , Sony VAIO SVS15129CJB 15.5-Inch Mobile Notebook, Sony VAIO SVS15129CJB 15.5-Inch Mobile Notebook
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