23 окт. 2012 г.

ICON FJ-44 checks in to Jay Leno's Garage

ICON FJ-44 checks in to Jay Leno's Garage

Jay Leno is a big fan of ICON machinery. The comic and TV personality has already featured vehicles like the ICON Bronco and Derelict DeSoto on separate episodes, and now owner Jonathan Ward has stopped by the Big Dog Garage to show off the company's latest creation: The FJ-44. Unlike the company's other efforts, the FJ-44 isn't based on any historical model. Instead, ICON engineered the four-door aluminum bodywork and has it manufactured by a separate supplier.

Autoblog , ICON FJ-44 checks in to Jay Leno's Garage

See also:
gadgeter, ICON FJ-44 checks in to Jay Leno's Garage

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