15 сент. 2012 г.

Ethernet gets new IEEE standard, still requires your thumbnail

Ethernet gets new IEEE standard, still requires your thumbnail

If you've been taking your trusty ethernet cable for granted since 1985, then we don't blame you - that's when the IEEE 802.3 standard was first published and it hasn't had a full revision since 2008. Behind the scenes, however, the IEEE Ethernet Working Group has continued to add extras like 100Gbps compatibility (1Tbps will have to wait), improved energy efficiency and greater suitablity for in-car networking. As of today, all of those amendments have been incorporated into 802.3-2012, which makes this a good time to pay homage and remember just how often thin air lets you down.

Engadget , Ethernet gets new IEEE standard, still requires your thumbnail, Ethernet gets new IEEE standard, still requires your thumbnail

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