Motorola's revealed the first smartphone to be borne from its team-up with Intel. Here in London, UK, it's a familiar-looking Android smartphone with an important internal difference. The RAZR i will be running on one of Intel's latest mobile chips (2GHz processor), differentiating it from what we saw from the Google-owned phone-maker a few weeks earlier. Motorola's calling the phone its biggest launch in the UK since the original RAZR. Motorola's touting the (almost "edge-to-edge") 4.3-inch AMOLED display, 2,000mAh of battery and the same Kevlar coating - it's water repellent this time.
Engadget , Motorola teams up with Intel, announces RAZR i in the Europe: packs 2GHz Medfield processor, launches next month, Motorola teams up with Intel, announces RAZR i in the Europe: packs 2GHz Medfield processor, launches next month
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