8 авг. 2012 г.

Mojo Tremble: MacGyver's Keychain?

Mojo Tremble: MacGyver's Keychain?

Multi-function gadgets are all the rage these days, especially ones that are small and portable.  Though many of us carry our iPhone and Android smartphones everywhere, we may not care to lug a charging cable.  The Mojo Tremble Keychain with Card Reader from iBattz aims to help.  In a small form factor, it provides a charging cable for 30-pin Apple iPhone/iPod touch and also a micro-USB for Android and other devices.  It has an eject pin for popping the SIM from iPhones and other devices, and it also includes a micro SD card reader which allows it to act as a USB flash drive.  A short lanyard and small carabiner are also included.  Av

The Gadgeteer , Mojo Tremble: MacGyver's Keychain?, Mojo Tremble: MacGyver's Keychain?

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