3 авг. 2012 г.

Growth in European Online Recruitment at 2%, According to the Monster Employment Index

July 2012 Index Highlights:The Monster Employment Index Europe demonstrates two percent growth year-over-year in July, relatively consistent with June's one percent riseGermany continues to lead all regions at 13 percent growth, while Sweden remains flatThe Netherlands, France, Italy, Belgium and UK all report reduced demand in online recruitment activity year-over-yearEnvironment, architecture, urbanism (up 16 percent) remains the leading growth sector for the third consecutive month while Education (up 11 percent) reports increased annual growth and places second in the IndexArts, entertainment, sports, leisure remains at the bottom of July

Press Release Distribution , Growth in European Online Recruitment at 2%, According to the Monster Employment Index, Growth in European Online Recruitment at 2%, According to the Monster Employment Index

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