6 авг. 2012 г.

Google looks to Adwords like auctions to fill your Android launchers with default apps and other bloatware

Google looks to Adwords like auctions to fill your Android launchers with default apps and other bloatware

You know those default/pre-installed apps that vendors and carriers put on your new Android phone, tablet or PC. Some of them are to promote their own services, others – push some third-party apps. And when outside software makers are involved - that usually means some money changed hands to get that app in your face. Well, Google wants in on the default pre-loads racket too. It is looking to Adwords like auction process as the means to do it, and already filed a patent application for auction based app placements.

The basic idea is to integrate a bidding system similar to Adwords directly into Android.

Unwired View , Google looks to Adwords like auctions to fill your Android launchers with default apps and other bloatware, Google looks to Adwords like auctions to fill your Android launchers with default apps and other bloatware

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