Only a German-owned British brand could storm Washington D.C. on the Fourth of July and be greeted with waves, grins and the occasional thumbs up. Minis just make people smile.
More than 300 Mini models of all shapes, sizes and years began the first leg of the 11-day Mini Takes the States 2012 campaign on America's birthday, stopping in Philadelphia and then going on to take in the fireworks in the nation's capital.
In the ten years Mini has been back in America, the brand has continued to grow as a cult of followers. And the expansion is continuing with gusto as more and more buyers opt for the fun, racy, British styling of the cars.
Autoblog , Mini Takes The States: Brits re-invade Washington on 200th anniversary of War of 1812, Mini Takes The States: Brits re-invade Washington on 200th anniversary of War of 1812
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