13 июл. 2012 г.

EuroCloud UK Awards Recognise Cloud Impact by Adpoints, Blur Group, CentraStage, Ping Identity, Zuora

Case studies at VNU Media and London Grid for Learning Trust demonstrate practical benefits of cloud adoptionLondon, July 13, 2012 – Cloud industry network EuroCloud UK (http://eurocloud.org.uk/) this week named the winners of its 2012 Awards. The UK winners now go forward to compete in the pan-European contest, to be awarded this October at the EuroCloud Congress (http://eurocloudcongress.org/) in Luxembourg.

Press Release Distribution , EuroCloud UK Awards Recognise Cloud Impact by Adpoints, Blur Group, CentraStage, Ping Identity, Zuora, EuroCloud UK Awards Recognise Cloud Impact by Adpoints, Blur Group, CentraStage, Ping Identity, Zuora

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