8 сент. 2011 г.

Seagate's Huge Hard Drive Packs Four Whole Terabytes

Seagate's Huge Hard Drive Packs Four Whole Terabytes

Seagate's new 4TB external drive is where the 50-foot woman keeps her oversized bikini catalogs. Illustration Charlie Sorrel. When I read that Seagate's new FreeAgent GoFlex is the biggest external hard drive in the world, I got excited. I imagined the coming winter months, with me having ditched my bed and instead just sleeping with my mattress atop the warm, humming box. Or maybe leaving my apartment and moving straight into the giant enclosure full time, with nothing to do but dodge the enormous read/write head as it swings by my delicate head every few nanoseconds.

But alas, the size refers only to the massive storage: four terabytes.

Gadget Lab, Seagate's Huge Hard Drive Packs Four Whole Terabytes

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