Earlier this year at CES 2013, Samsung took the wraps off their new Exynos 5 series chipset, the company's first octa-core chipset that would make its debut in Samsung devices like the Galaxy S4. Samsung later announced a new Exynos 5 chipset in the form of the Exynos 5420, and now it looks like Samsung might have a new Exynos chipset to announce. This is according to a tweet by Samsung Exynos who according to their tweet, "Exynos processors are about to undergo another evolution. Can you guess what it will be?".
Attached to the tweet was a photo pictured above, where we can see a microphone with a defocused background.
Ubergizmo , Samsung Teases New Exynos Chipsets
See also:
, Samsung Teases New Exynos Chipsets
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