With the HTC One being HTC's premier flagship device, there's no questions smartphone maker is doing their best to not only promote the device, but support the device with timely firmware updates. Originally launching with Android 4.1.2, we've since seen the device receive updates to Android 4.2.2 in Asia and European markets, but as so often is the case — it seems US One owners are lagging far behind. While this isn't entirely HTC's doing, it seems the company is now focused on delivering Android 4.3 to the HTC One US variants, leap frogging over Android 4.2.2 entirely. Can't say we saw that one coming.
Android Phone , HTC One to skip Android 4.2.2 in the US, will receive Android 4.3 by Sept (Canada and Droid DNA as well), HTC One to skip Android 4.2.2 in the US, will receive Android 4.3 by Sept (Canada and Droid DNA as well)
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