17 июл. 2013 г.

Remote internal imaging robot helps doctors in emergency situations

Remote internal imaging robot helps doctors in emergency situations

This remote medical care robot for use in emergency situations, is under development by a research group at Waseda University, led by Dr. Hiroyasu Iwata. “If a person receives an impact in an accident, there is a possibility that they could have internal bleeding. In emergency rooms, there's a diagnostic method called FAST, using ultrasound imaging to check for internal bleeding. But that can't be done until the patient reaches the hospital. So our idea is that this robot can be put on the patient in an ambulance, and while on the way to the hospital, it can be controlled by a doctor in a remote location.
Remote internal imaging robot helps doctors in emergency situations

Remote internal imaging robot helps doctors in emergency situations

Remote internal imaging robot helps doctors in emergency situations

Akihabara News , Remote internal imaging robot helps doctors in emergency situations, Remote internal imaging robot helps doctors in emergency situations

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