1 нояб. 2012 г.

Nike Zoom DK QS Double Tongue Snowboarding Boot

Nike Zoom DK QS Double Tongue Snowboarding Boot

“At approximately 0600 on January 1st, 2012 Danny Kass flew in like a bat out of hell to brief in “OPERATION Double Tongue”. The objective: Make awesome gear. Be explosive. Get spontaneous. With changes in solar radiation, ocean circulation variations and the vegetation ecosystem becoming unstable, there was no option but to accept. With time running out, bravery was our only ally. We laced up our boots, zipped up our coats and ventured into the unknown.
Nike Zoom DK QS Double Tongue Snowboarding Boot

2DayBlog.com , Nike Zoom DK QS Double Tongue Snowboarding Boot, Nike Zoom DK QS Double Tongue Snowboarding Boot

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