14 июн. 2012 г.

Nokia Reaction Bluetooth headset slips out: 'acoustic' design packs ear detection, noise reduction (video)

Nokia Reaction Bluetooth headset slips out: 'acoustic' design packs ear detection, noise reduction (video)

While it hasn't gone public on Nokia's own site, its YouTube channel has thrown up a video of a new Bluetooth headset. The device, like previous Nokia inventions, can be paired to phones through NFC and also automatically transfer and answer incoming calls when it senses it's near your ear. It packs in three separate mics, background noise cancellation and "automatic volume control" that aims to forgo screaming into the earpiece. We'll update with more details once we hear from Nokia.

Engadget, Nokia Reaction Bluetooth headset slips out: 'acoustic' design packs ear detection, noise reduction (video)

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