5 апр. 2012 г.

Is the iPhone fragmented? iOS adoption measured against Android

Is the iPhone fragmented? iOS adoption measured against Android

. The iPhone's unprecedented success stems from the combination of multiple factors, not the least of which are Apple's industry-leading design prowess and its ability to make software that appeals to enthusiasts and mass-market users alike. The culture and hype surrounding Apple products doesn't hurt either, of course. Where the overall experience is concerned, Apple wisely created a scenario that gives it control of both hardware and software, removing carriers from the equation to an extent and ensuring the end user enjoys the experience Apple envisions without any substantial impediments.
Is the iPhone fragmented? iOS adoption measured against Android

Is the iPhone fragmented? iOS adoption measured against Android

Is the iPhone fragmented? iOS adoption measured against Android

Boy Genius Report, Is the iPhone fragmented? iOS adoption measured against Android

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