Origin today introduced the new Eon17-X3D laptop. What makes this laptop special is that it features an nVidia 3D Vision 2 Wireless Glasses with LightBoost technology, a built-in 3D emitter and a 1080p 3D display. The Origin Eon17-X3D also supports a customizable backlit keyboard with three lighting zones and seven colors, an Intel X79 chipset with 2nd generation Intel Hexcore processors, up to 32GB of 1333MHz Corsair Quad Channel RAM, up to 16GB 1866MHz Corsair Vengeance Quad Channel RAM, up to dual nVidia GeForce GTX 580M graphics cards and up to three HDDs with up to 3TB of storage space.
TechFresh, Origin Eon17-X3D Laptop
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