10 янв. 2012 г.

Sony Xperia S headed to O2 and Three in the UK, white version to be Phones 4U exclusive

Sony Xperia S headed to O2 and Three in the UK, white version to be Phones 4U exclusive

The newly-announced Sony Xperia S will obviously be sold in the UK when it starts shipping. But where exactly, you ask. Well, so far two operators and one well-known thrid-party retailer have announced that they'll be readying Xperia S supplies for eager customers: O2, Three, and Phones 4U. What's more, the latter will be the exclusive seller of the white version of the smartphone in the UK.

O2 took to Google+ to announce that the Xperia S is going to be in its stores later this year. Oh, and also to point out that the phone is “rather nice”.

Unwired View, Sony Xperia S headed to O2 and Three in the UK, white version to be Phones 4U exclusive

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