6 дек. 2011 г.

PS Vita shuns multiple accounts and in-game web browsing, disappoints FAQ lovers everywhere

PS Vita shuns multiple accounts and in-game web browsing, disappoints FAQ lovers everywhere

Have a tendency to get stuck in games. Keep your laptop handy, the PlayStation Vita isn't going to make getting tips any easier - an interview from AV Watch has revealed that Sony's next generation handheld is a little stingy when multitasking. The console's friends list, music and Twitter clients are in, but web browsing is out, blocked to ensure the Vita has more resources available for running games. This limitation could be off-putting to gamers who are used to mid-game internet FAQ checks to guide them through difficult bits of gameplay, a trick Nintendo's 3DS handles smoothly.

Engadget, PS Vita shuns multiple accounts and in-game web browsing, disappoints FAQ lovers everywhere

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