9 дек. 2011 г.

Coby Announces 5 Ice Cream Sandwich Tablets for Q1 2012

Coby Announces 5 Ice Cream Sandwich Tablets for Q1 2012

Coby, makers of several budget-priced Android tablets over the past few years (their MID7015 pictured above), has announced their latest product lineup. For release during the first quarter of 2012, five new Coby tablets of various sizes will debut with Ice Cream Sandwich on board. The company hopes to be one of the first to market with an Android 4.0 slate, and will be showing off their new goods at January's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Coby will cover the gamut of tablet sizes with 7-inch, 8-inch, 9-inch, 9.7-inch, and 10-inch models.

Android Phone

See also:
technologypulse, Coby Announces 5 Ice Cream Sandwich Tablets for Q1 2012

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