22 нояб. 2011 г.

Micromouse robot completes maze in under four seconds (video)

Micromouse robot completes maze in under four seconds (video)

It may not look all that mouse-like, but this so-called micromouse robot can navigate a maze unlike any other - robot or otherwise. Built by Ng Beng Kiat, the Min7.1 bot has a top speed of 12 kilometers per hour, and it recently set a new record in the Japan Micromouse Robot Competition with a time of 3.921 seconds. For those not up on their robot maze-racing stats, that's a full second under the previous record holder. Of course, it didn't just blaze through on its first attempt. The bots are first allowed an autonomous exploration phase, but even it is fairly impressive to watch.


See also:
itnet, Micromouse robot completes maze in under four seconds (video)

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