11 авг. 2011 г.

Kindle Cloud Reader Skirts App Store Rules

Kindle Cloud Reader Skirts App Store Rules

Angry and outraged that Apple forced Amazon to pull the link to the Kindle e-book store from within its Kindle iOS app. So was Amazon, but instead of just sitting and whining about it like you and me, Amazon decided to do something. Behold, the Kindle Cloud Reader, a web app that behaves just like a slightly slow native app. A “web app,” at least on iOS, means a web page that stores itself and its data locally on your iPhone or iPad. It has an icon on your home screen and when you tap it the app launches, usually without the browser bar at the top of the screen.
Kindle Cloud Reader Skirts App Store Rules

Kindle Cloud Reader Skirts App Store Rules

Kindle Cloud Reader Skirts App Store Rules

Kindle Cloud Reader Skirts App Store Rules

Kindle Cloud Reader Skirts App Store Rules

Gadget Lab, Kindle Cloud Reader Skirts App Store Rules

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