16 апр. 2008 г.

Altria sell Kraft Foods. Perhaps the further division of the company

Protracted courts between smokers and the corporation Altria Group, which owns Philip Morris USA, forcing the company to split the business. Already Board of Directors of the Company may decide to sell its shares in the food company Kraft Foods.
Recently, the court decided to sue the American government for the tobacco companies. With this decision the court found the cigarette manufacturers responsible for damage to public health, but rejected a demand to pay hundreds of billions of dollars of compensation to victims. Alternate solution would be fatal to tobaccers, and investors eagerly waited for the end of the process to start aggressively buying Altria shares, while the company itself - to deal with restructuring, which has long insisted its shareholders. One of the stages of restructuring - selling units for the production of foodstuffs.
Altria had planned to separate Kraft Foods back in early 2004, investors believe this will increase the value of its shares - at prices of securities food company will stop pressing concerns about the future of the tobacco business. If a Kraft Foods, which recently changed leadership, has already fulfilled this month, Altria shareholders by the end of the year can receive 0.7 shares of Kraft stock prices Altria.

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