In the United States, book entitled "101 most influential fictional identity", in which the authors tried to explore how the fruits of other people's fantasies affect our lives. The list of the most influential led a courageous American Cowboy Marlborough, which appeared in 1950 - and helped to raise the sale of cigarettes. The second number on the list - The older brother of the book "1984" George Orwell, third - King Arthur incorporating, as the authors say, the ideal characteristics of a monarch, and the fourth, took the Santa Claus. "Santa Claus manages all our economies in the last quarter of the year, and without it many firms would be gone" - one of the authors of the book Allan Lazar.
Barbie - "a little plastic, which has become a model to follow for the millions of young girls by setting a new standard of beauty and style" - is at 43 - place. On the list there are absolutely no substance similar to the human, for example, King Kong and Godzilla. Thus, the number 56 is Elaeagnus monster. "This is the most popular attractions in Scotland, the impact on the flow of money Nesses in this country very much," - the book the authors argue. On the list there are such different characters of literature and myths, such as Cinderella, Greek king Midas, Faust, Buffy - "Vampire winner, and uncle, Sam - a symbol of the United States.
16 апр. 2008 г.
The first exclusive art collection of brands Vogue
For the first time, women's brand of cigarettes Vogue is limited collectors' series of "limited edition" - an art collection open inspiration. "
All tutu Vogue will be exhibited in selected shops only in Moscow before the end of July 2007.
Try subtly artist and the feminine intuitively captured the mood of the game captivating charm and mystery. In their work, they have incorporated their vision of Vogue three flavours: Bleue, and Lilas Menthe. Three graceful stories told for the elected terms of haute couture connoisseurs.
All tutu Vogue will be exhibited in selected shops only in Moscow before the end of July 2007.
Try subtly artist and the feminine intuitively captured the mood of the game captivating charm and mystery. In their work, they have incorporated their vision of Vogue three flavours: Bleue, and Lilas Menthe. Three graceful stories told for the elected terms of haute couture connoisseurs.

The works of artist permeated with warmth and fascination feeling of lightness, of light, the game. Net filled with joyful foretaste painting - one of the hallmarks of Mary Pogorzhelskoy.
Collection “Semitransparent melody” Anna Platonova
Painting Anna Platonova - expression of a particular intuitive sight, revealing new facets to capture the usual images. Much of the work is devoted woman, many female charm and mystery of its elusive charm.

Poetical images of nature - flowers, tender and gentle, golden sunsets, diamond drops of rain and vague contours of reflections in puddles - the theme of endless inspiration Polikarpovoy artist Olga, and the delicately feminine intuitively catching and transferring the mood of the game.
O2 Arena owners fined for smoking Rolling Stones
Owners of the concert platform O2 Arena violated acting on the territory of the UK ban on smoking in public places. The incident occurred on 21 August, the first of three planned speeches group Rolling Stones. when the crowd of spectators twenty thousandth musicians Keith Richards and Ronnie Wood were seen smoking.
According to the law set July 1, for his violation of the owner of the site authorities to pay a fine of 2500 pounds sterling. The authorities limited only reprimanded owners arena, putting them on the further condition Beta law.
"Musicians just appeared on stage with a cigarette - stated arena - In any case, the cigarettes were cleared before the majority were able to see it. Anyway, we are confident that it was only a small lapse, and we are grateful for the understanding of their part. Together with the rest of the country, we belong to the law on banning smoking seriously. "
Maybe it is so. But close to the source of the group of musicians responded with The Times as follows: "Quit smoking and Ronnie on stage over the previous three decades. It is, the guys are not going to stop doing so in the next couple of decades."
"What to do - he adds - their hard work."
According to the law set July 1, for his violation of the owner of the site authorities to pay a fine of 2500 pounds sterling. The authorities limited only reprimanded owners arena, putting them on the further condition Beta law.
"Musicians just appeared on stage with a cigarette - stated arena - In any case, the cigarettes were cleared before the majority were able to see it. Anyway, we are confident that it was only a small lapse, and we are grateful for the understanding of their part. Together with the rest of the country, we belong to the law on banning smoking seriously. "
Maybe it is so. But close to the source of the group of musicians responded with The Times as follows: "Quit smoking and Ronnie on stage over the previous three decades. It is, the guys are not going to stop doing so in the next couple of decades."
"What to do - he adds - their hard work."
Lucky Strike. More than anything
Smoking is aesthetically very nice. A new cellophane, the ideal form of cigarette tutu, tightly peel spread clean tubes, the smell of fresh polygraph boxes of tobacco and fresh, in fact, cigarettes. Tutu very pleased and conveniently fall in the arm. I like heroes cycle of films, the characters lights up a cigarettes advertising posters speakers with each other, or simply reflecting. But only aesthetically. It is unlikely that all of this has forced me to smoke in limited age. Rather lured me to smoke Hyrka class, which I would be a little bit similar. But if smokers Irqu placed on the poster, it is unlikely that someone would be lit except me… Cigarette advertising - always on the verge of such a task. Social responsibility, morality, laws, death, illness, then their children, but not a lot of benefit. Yes, and smoking itself - such a tragic thing, because sooner or later, every sane smoker wonders "must throw" and "but"? Overall, advertising can not be said that the consumption of great joy and pleasure remarkable (as opposed, for example, to alcohol). So, perhaps, this kind of advertising - one of the most conservative: half is devoted to advertising that these cigarettes are better than others, because tobacco is cleaner, carbon filter, in the throat of them are not surprising, and you can lose weight. Another - how attractive men and women of all ages smoking in different situations. The more situations in which you can smoke this kind of cigarette brands, the better it is.
KNSK the Hamburg advertising agency back in the late 80 - x benefited reception, which in principle is not new but is not actively used in the advertisement of tobacco: Reception, when lyrical hero advertising advertised itself becomes an object. But it is one thing when the dental clinic advertises tooth with handles, legs and eyes. Here comic effect, and if not appropriate, then at least not harmful. Quite another matter if the cigarette inspirited tutu, gets in the very different histories and their poses:
However, despite the object of this campaign I think in its own way a very ethical. Because says it is just that I like in all these cigarette pack - they can do anything! And not necessarily for the smoke.
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